

Kirchberg an der Jagst

      Castles and Palaces

The former Hohenlohe residence town of Kirchberg lies picturesquely above the Jagst valley. The upper town, the "Städtle", is dominated by the town tower, which towers above the scenery like an oversized pencil, the town church and the largest castle complex in Hohenlohe. Special attractions every year are the town fair with the medieval market at the end of February, the book market in June, the Castle Garden Festival in July and the Christmas market on the second weekend in Advent. The cultural.... [More about Kirchberg an der Jagst]

Kirchberg-Jagst Blick-vom-Sofienberg-zum-Schloss Foto-HartmutVolk  Kirchberg - Belvedere on the Sophienberg with a view of the castle (photo: Hartmut Volk)
Kirchberg - Belvedere on the Sophienberg with a view of the castle (photo: Hartmut Volk).Kirchberg Katasterkarte 1829 Sophienberg CMYK  Kirchberg - 1829 cadastral map, Sophienberg
Kirchberg - 1829 cadastral map, Sophienberg.Kirchberg Sophienberg Christiansruhe Teehaus Foto MoniqueStaack  Kirchberg - Sophienberg, teahouse ‘Christiansruhe’ (Photo: Monique Staack)
Kirchberg - Sophienberg, teahouse ‘Christiansruhe’ (Photo: Monique Staack).

Gartendenkmal Sophienberg

Sophienberg garden monument

At the end of the 18th century, Prince Christian Friedrich Karl zu Hohenlohe-Kirchberg (1729-1819) created a special eye-catcher on a hill opposite Kirchberg Castle: an English-style landscape garden - including an octagonal viewing tower (‘Belvedere’), a tea house in neo-Gothic style and artificial ruins, from the archway to the Gothic-style chapel. With this ‘accessible landscape painting’ typical of the time, the prince deliberately created a contrast to the baroque court garden with its strict symmetry and rigid forms. The almost five-hectare site was named ‘Sophienberg’ in honour of the Princess.

The gardens and buildings were restored between 2021 and 2023. After decades of slumber, this garden monument can once again be experienced in its original beauty. Admission is free.

Gartendenkmal Sophienberg
Stadt Kirchberg
74592 Kirchberg

Kirchberg-Jagst Blick-auf-das-Schloss FotoKlausSohl  Kirchberg Castle on Jagst
Kirchberg Castle on Jagst.Kirchberg-Jagst Blick-in-den-Schlosshof1 Foto-KlausSohl  Kirchberg Castle on Jagst
Kirchberg Castle on Jagst.Kirchberg Schloss-Eingangsbereich02 GK-2019  Kirchberg Castle on Jagst -  Prince's little house
Kirchberg Castle on Jagst - Prince's little house.Kirchberg-Jagst Schloss Innenhof GK 2019  Kirchberg Castle on Jagst - Inner courtyard
Kirchberg Castle on Jagst - Inner courtyard.Kirchberg-Jagst Blick-vom-Sofienberg-zum-Schloss Foto-HartmutVolk  View from Sofienberg to castle Kirchberg/ Jagst
View from Sofienberg to castle Kirchberg/ Jagst.Kirchberg Schloss von unten GK 2019  Kirchberg Castle on Jagst
Kirchberg Castle on Jagst.

Schloss Kirchberg

Kirchberg Castle

Kirchberg Castle is the seat of the “House of Peasants” Foundation which is linked to the Schwäbisch Hall Farmers' Association. They have developed the ensemble of historic buildings from feudal times into a trans-regional educational establishment and meeting place. Its main focus is on the Academy of Organic Agriculture and Food Industry. International conferences hosting experts from all over the world and the cooperation with partners from universities, organic farming associations and the Slow Food movement have turned the Kirchberg "Peasants’ Castle" into a  multiplication centre for sustainable rural agriculture and healthy eating.

The building complex also accommodates a castle hotel which boasts 23 attractive rooms with magnificent views, as well as a castle café and an Ice-Cream Factory. Exhibitions and events that are organized by an artist group based in the castle add to the cultural life.

The castle buildings are grouped around three courtyards. The original castle complex, whose origin goes back to 1240, was transformed into a four-wing Renaissance castle under Count Ludwig Kasimir of Hohenlohe from 1590 to 1597. After the family was elevated to the rank of a principality under Carl August of Hohenlohe, as of 1783 the building complex was converted into the largest Baroque residence in the Hohenlohe region according to the plans of Leopoldo Retti, the Ansbach court architect. After the Hohenlohe-Kirchberg dynasty had died out in 1861, the castle complex became the property of Öhringen in 1861; it served as a museum until 1945 and as an old people's home and nursing home until 2009.

Today the interiors of the castle are found in Neuenstein Castle. The castle park dates from the late 18th century. It is located west of the castle and is accessible at all times. Visitors can enjoy garden stone sculptures as well as a rare example of a garden house with decorative landscape paintings. More about the history

Schloss Kirchberg
Stiftung Haus der Bauern, Ulrike Gabert
Schlossstraße 16/3
74592 Kirchberg an der Jagst
Telefon +49 (0) 7954 921547-0

Kirchberg Hofgarten FotoStefanSorg  Kirchberg an der Jagst - Court Garden
Kirchberg an der Jagst - Court Garden.Kirchberg Orangerie2 FotoStefanSorg  Kirchberg an der Jagst - Orangery
Kirchberg an der Jagst - Orangery.

Hofgarten und Orangerie

The baroque courtyard garden has a special feature: It was not laid out directly next to the palace, as is usual elsewhere. This was not possible due to the cramped spatial conditions caused by the palace's location on a hilltop. It was therefore relocated to the former suburb and connected to the palace via the ‘Neuer Weg’.

The bell-shaped gardens include two water basins and the orangery with south-facing windows. A typical example of Baroque garden architecture, it was built in 1749/50 according to a plan by court painter Johann Valentin Tischbein. After extensive refurbishment in 1983, it is now used as an exhibition space.

After decades of slumber, extensive preparatory studies and finally the revitalisation measures from 2021-2023, the Sophienberg landscape garden, a creation of Prince Christian Friedrich Karl zu Hohenlohe-Kirchberg from the 18th century, can be experienced again in its original beauty since September 2023.

Hofgarten und Orangerie
Poststraße 21
74592 Kirchberg an der Jagst

Kirchberg Tischbeinhaeschen FotoStefanSorg  Kirchberg an der Jagst - Garden house at the Neuer Weg
Kirchberg an der Jagst - Garden house at the Neuer Weg.Kirchberg Turm Baum GK 2019  Kirchberg an der Jagst - Neuer Weg
Kirchberg an der Jagst - Neuer Weg.

"Neuer Weg"

'New Path'

The former princely footpath runs along the castle and town walls and is now a popular walking route. It connects the palace with the slightly distant Baroque courtyard garden with orangery, which could not be laid out directly next to the palace due to the topography.

The ‘New Path’ is decorated with garden architecture and staffage buildings. Among other things, visitors pass two stone lions, a garden house with murals of ‘Italian landscapes’ by 18th century court painter Johann Valentin Tischbein, the ‘Katharinenruhe’ below the church tower, an artificial tower ruin built in 1795 from stones from the keep of the Staufer castle ruins of Leofels with Gothic windows, and copies of putti from figures in Veitshöchheim Park.

"Neuer Weg"
Neuer Weg
74592 Kirchberg an der Jagst

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