


      Castles and Palaces

Mosbach is situated on the southern foothills of the Odenwald and is the cultural and economic centre of the Neckar-Odenwald region. Already 400 years ago Mathaeus Merian wrote in his "Topographia Franconiae" about a "fine, well-built city". This impression is still conveyed to the visitor today. The main street in the historic old town is a unique parade of half-timbered houses: pointed and wide gables, centuries-old wooden constructions in shades of grey, black and red form a closed backdrop. The.... [More about Mosbach]

Mosbach Schloss  Mosbach - Palace
Mosbach - Palace.


Mosbach Palace is located at the edge of the Old Town. That it gives a romantic impression with its bay windows, framework and wide gables is due to a fundamental reconstruction at the end of the 19th century. The palace today is privately owned and not open to visitors.

Its origins as a fortified castle date presumably back to the High Middle Ages. Palatine Otto I., who was born in 1390 as the youngest son of King Ruprecht, made Mosbach his residence in the year 1410. He, as well as his son Otto II., permitted from 1439 on to enlarge the residence considerably, although far from pleasant. Repeatedly the palace served as a refuge from disease for the electors of Heidelberg, as Mosbach was situated off the main roads. The original shape of the palace can hardly be imagined today. After 1645 the facility decayed more and more. Today's buildings rose primarily in the year 1898 under the owner at that time, merchant Montigel, who built a picturesque dwelling instead of the Old Palace.



Marktplatz 4
74821 Mosbach
Telefon +49 (0) 6261 9188-0
Telefax +49 (0) 6261 9188-15

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