


      Castles and Palaces

Coburg is idyllically located in the north of Bavaria, between the upper Main valley and the Thuringian forest, which thanks to the Dukes of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha has an abundance of historical buildings, art treasures, fortresses and castles. There was an early settlement dating from the 9th and 10th centuries at the foot of the castle complex. In 1056 the name of Coburg was first mentioned, the naming of the town followed in 1182. In 1240 a Franciscan monastery was established. From 1250 to 1290.... [More about Coburg]

VesteCoburg KunstsammlungenVesteCoburg,Dr.OtmarFugmann  Coburg Fortress (Photo: Veste Coburg art collections, Dr. Otmar Fugmann)
Coburg Fortress (Photo: Veste Coburg art collections, Dr. Otmar Fugmann).Coburg Veste Aussenmauer2 GK 2019  Coburg Fortress - High Bastion
Coburg Fortress - High Bastion.Coburg Veste Torbogen2 GK 2019  Coburg Fortress - view into the inner courtyard
Coburg Fortress - view into the inner courtyard.Coburg Veste innen GK 2019  Coburg Fortress - Princely building
Coburg Fortress - Princely building.Coburg Veste-Jagdintasiernzimmer ©Kunstsammlungen-der-Veste-Coburg www.kunstsammlungen-coburg.de  Coburg Fortress - intarsia room
Coburg Fortress - intarsia room.Coburg Veste Hof GK 2019  Coburg Fortress - Stone Bower
Coburg Fortress - Stone Bower.Coburg Veste-mit-Landschaft1 GK 2019  Coburg Fortress
Coburg Fortress.

Veste Coburg

Coburg Fortress

The Veste Coburg is one of the best preserved medieval castles in Germany. Visible from very far away, the "Franconian Crown" dominates the landscape. Today, the castle complex houses the art collections of Veste Coburg, most of which date back to the art holdings of the Coburg dukes.

One famous guest was the reformer Martin Luther, who stayed at the Veste for almost half a year in 1530. The Luther Room commemorates him.

First mentioned in a document in 1056, it passed to the Dukes of Merania in the 12th century, to the Counts of Henneberg in 1248, to the Margraves of Brandenburg in 1291, again to the Counts of Henneberg in 1312, and finally to the House of Wettin in 1353.
In the following 150 years, due to its strategic importance, it was expanded into one of the largest castle complexes in Germany (135 x 260 meters). After the court was moved to the city in the 16th century, the complex was converted into a state fortress. In 1632 the Veste was unsuccessfully besieged by the generalissimo of the imperial army Albrecht von Wallenstein. After the Thirty Years' War, long years of decay followed.

The castle was not remodeled, until 1838 Duke Ernst I, according to plans by the architect von Heideloff, in the spirit of castle romanticism, resulting in a romantic castle setting with turrets, oriels and battlements in 1860. The last reigning Duke Carl Eduard of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha entrusted the castle researcher Bodo Ebhardt with a renewed restoration starting in 1906.

Veste Coburg
Kunstsammlungen der Veste Coburg
Veste 1
96450 Coburg
Telefon +49 (0) 9561 879-0
Telefax +49 (0) 9561 879-66

Coburg Ehrenburg ©TourismusCoburg  Coburg - Ehrenburg Palace
Coburg - Ehrenburg Palace.Coburg SchlossEhrenburg-Thronsaal ©BayerischeSchloesserverwaltung-FotoVeronikaFreudlingMuenchen www.schloesser-coburg.de  Coburg - Throne room in Ehrenburg Castle
Coburg - Throne room in Ehrenburg Castle.Coburg SchlossEhrenburg Schlafzimmer-Herzogin-Luise ©03  Coburg - Bedroom of Duchess Luise in Ehrenburg Palace
Coburg - Bedroom of Duchess Luise in Ehrenburg Palace .CoburgVeste Ehrenburg 03  Coburg - View over Ehrenburg Castle to the Veste
Coburg - View over Ehrenburg Castle to the Veste.

Schloss Ehrenburg

Ehrenburg Palace

The former city residence of the Coburg Dukes (1547 - 1918) is now mainly a museum and can be visited on guided tours. It is also home to the Coburg State Library with over 400,000 collections. A famous guest was Queen Victoria of England, who often and gladly stayed in Coburg after her marriage to Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha in 1840.

The Castle was built between 1543 and 1547 as a three-winged structure under Duke Johann Ernst of Saxony, who moved his court residence from the Veste to the newly built castle. The complex was not built by labourers, as usually, it was built by paid craftsmen. Which is why Emperor Charles V is said to have given it the name "Ehrenburg" (castle of honour) during a visit in 1547. Between 1623 and 1627 it was extended into a closed quadrangle under Duke Johann Kasimir. The Renaissance complex was largely destroyed in a fire in 1690. Duke Albrecht III then had a Baroque three-wing complex built by 1699, from which time the castle church and the Giants' Hall have been preserved. From 1810, under Duke Ernst I, the Berlin architect Karl Friedrich Schinkel gave the palace its present Neo-Gothic facade.

When Duke Carl Eduard received a settlement of 1.5 million Reichsmarks for his properties from the Free State of Coburg (1918 to 1920) in 1919, Ehrenburg Palace also became the property of the state. The furnishings were given to the Coburg State Foundation. Since 1941, the Bavarian Palaces and Lakes Administration has been in charge of the castle.

Schloss Ehrenburg
Schloss- und Gartenverwaltung Coburg
Schlossplatz 1
96450 Coburg
Telefon +49 (0) 9561 8088-0
Telefax +49 (0) 9561 8088-40

Coburg Schloss ©TourismusCoburg  Coburg - Callenberg Palace - summer residence of the dukes of Coburg
Coburg - Callenberg Palace - summer residence of the dukes of Coburg.

Schloss Callenberg

Callenberg Palace

The former summer residence of the Coburg dukes, a jewel of Neo-Gothic architecture, is still in the care of the ducal family of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. During the 19th century, the family succeeded in rapidly rising to become the most important noble dynasty in the world. Four European royal houses bore her name: Belgium, Portugal, Great Britain and Bulgaria.

Since 1998, Callenberg Castle has housed the Ducal Art Collection SCG with exhibits from four centuries. Guided tours are offered. Various rooms can be rented for celebrations. A castle chapel is also part of the complex. The German Rifle Museum is located in the north-west wing of the castle.

Callenberg was first mentioned in 1122 as the ancestral castle of the knights of "Chalwinberch". The Bishopric of Würzburg in 1231 was followed by the Counts of Henneberg in 1232 and from 1317 by the Lords of Sternberg as owners. In 1592 it fell to Duke Johann Casimir of Saxe-Coburg, who had the medieval castle converted into a hunting lodge. When he died childless in 1633, it passed to the Dukes of Saxe-Meiningen until 1825. In 1826 it was once again given to the Saxe-Coburg line, which still owns it. Duke Ernst I had the upper castle built in 1831. In 1856/57, under his son Ernst II, the lower castle was redesigned in the Neo-Gothic style and given its present appearance. After the death of Ernst II in 1893, Duchess Alexandrine used the palace as her widow's residence and died childless in 1904.

Her great-nephew, Coburg's last ruling Duke Carl Eduard, lived with his family in the castle from 1905 to 1945, and it was modernised in the 1930s. After the Second World War, the castle was occupied by American military and then used by a theatre company, as a home for the elderly and, from 1957, by a women's technical college. In 1972, the ducal family sold the property. In 1982, Andreas Prince of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, who had returned from the USA with his family, bought it back.

Schloss Callenberg
Herzoglicher Kunstbesitz SCG
Callenberg 1
96450 Coburg
Telefon +49 (0) 9561 5515-0
Telefax +49 (0) 9561 8145-20

Coburg Rosenau 03  Coburg - Rosenau Palace
Coburg - Rosenau Palace.

Schloss Rosenau

Rosenau Palace

Rosenau Palace situated at Rödental near Coburg was in the possession of the Master of the Mint von Rosenawe from the 15th century until 1698. In 1704, the Austrian Baron Ferdinand Adam von Pernau, Duke Albrecht's Coburg Privy Councilor since 1690, acquired the castle-like property with outbuildings as a summer residence and study area for his ornithological research. When Pernau died in 1731, the complex was sold to Duke Friedrich I of Gotha, in 1805 it came into the possession of Duke Ernst I of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. and from 1806 onwards he had the castle converted into a representative palace in the neo-Gothic style according to plans by Karl Friedrich Schinkel and the park was created as an English Garden. It became one of the first buildings in Germany to revive the Middle Ages in an idealized form.

The castle is famous as the birthplace of Prince Albert, husband of Queen Victoria of Great Britain and Ireland, who was born here in 1819. His second son Alfred died in the cavalier's cottage in 1900, and his widow Maria Alexandrovna, a daughter of Tsar Alexander II, lived there until her death in 1920. In 1945 Rosenau Castle was the headquarters of American offices, from 1946 a rest home for displaced persons and from 1948 a retirement home for over 20 years. In 1972 the Free State of Bavaria bought the facility.

The castle's Marble Hall and the Orangery can be rented for private parties.

Opening hours
April-3. October: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. (last tour 5 p.m.)
October 4th-March: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. (last tour 3 p.m.)
Closed: on Mondays (except January 6th, Easter Monday, Whit Monday) and January 1st, Shrove Tuesday, December 24th / 25th / 31st

Rosenau Park is always accessible. The park is home to the European Museum of Modern Glass, a branch museum of the Veste Coburg art collections.

Schloss Rosenau
Schloss- und Gartenverwaltung Coburg Schloss Rosenau
Rosenau 1
96472 Rödental
Telefon +49 (0) 95 63/ 30 84-10
Telefax +49 (0) 95 63/ 30 84-29

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